LIFE-AR has a unique principle-based and partnership-based approach, closely linked to the LDC Vision.
LIFE-AR is LDC-led and LDC-owned, and focuses on strengthening LDCs’ institutions, systems and capabilities. The initiative is anchored within government’s existing institutions, and priorities link to existing climate governance arrangements. LIFE-AR is also long term and works at the pace of LDCs, recognising that different countries have different capacities.
The LIFE-AR principles and the LDCs Asks and Offers
The LDC 2050 Vision is for LDCs to deliver climate-resilient development pathways by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050 to ensure societies, economies and ecosystems thrive.
The LDC Vision sets out five offers and asks.
- The Offers outline how the LDCs intend to take more effective approaches to make sure support reaches the most vulnerable communities.
- The Asks invite development partners to engage with LDCs under a shared vision, working together in new ways.
- These Offers and Asks are the core principles of LIFE-AR. They are supported by a set of shared partnership principles based on the values of inclusion, participation, justice, equity and leaving no one behind.
LIFE-AR focuses on strengthening LDCs’ institutions, systems and capabilities.
- Offers from LDC governments
We will work with the whole of society to achieve a low-carbon, climate-resilient future
- Asks of the international community
Work together to reduce transaction costs and ensure mutual accountability behind LDC leadership
- Joint principles of LIFE-AR
Work together jointly on a shared and equal platform
- Offers from LDC governments
We will develop strong climate finance architecture, with at least 70% of flows supporting local-level action by 2030
- Asks of the international community
Provide high-quality, predictable and accessible finance and support the LDCs’ intention of at least 70% of finance flows supporting local-level action by 2030
- Joint principles of LIFE-AR
Commit to a shared goal of 70% of finance flows supporting action on the ground in LDCs by 2030
- Offers from LDC governments
We will integrate adaptation, mitigation and resilience into our national and local development objectives
- Asks of the international community
Develop your own ambitious strategies for 1.5°C low-carbon climate-resilient pathways by 2020
- Joint principles of LIFE-AR
Invest in integrated, holistic and ambitious climate planning across the whole of society
- Offers from LDC governments
We will strengthen our climate capabilities, institutions, knowledge, skills and learning
- Asks of the international community
Work with us in the long term to strengthen our national and local institutional capabilities
- Joint principles of LIFE-AR
Work at the pace of individual LDCs, aiming to build long-term national and local institutions, systems, structures and capabilities
- Offers from LDC governments
We will create more inclusive governance of climate decisions that are centred on gender transformation and social justice
- Asks of the international community
Invest in our inclusive climate-resilient net-zero economies and technology
- Joint principles of LIFE-AR
Leave no country and no one behind
Business Unusual?
The term ‘Business Unusual’ emerged during the development of the LDC Vision and the design of LIFE-AR. Business Unusual describes what needs to change for the LDCs to access climate finance and invest it in affected communities.
Business Unusual is linked with the LDCs’ Asks of the international community.
The diagram below explains the main differences and innovations of the business unusual approach.
Gender equality and social inclusion
Gender equality and social inclusion is embedded into the LIFE-AR principles, Vision and Compact, which recognize the importance of gender equity and community-led whole society approaches to tackling the most challenging issues related to climate change for more effective and lasting solutions.
This is emphasized in the LIFE-AR governance structures which aim to create more inclusive governance for climate decisions that are centered on gender transformation and social justice and the LIFE-AR Compact principle to leave no country and no one behind. At the platform level, the LIFE-AR Board is designed to ensure equal representation from both development partners and Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The ten front-runner countries represent diverse geographies, including both Anglophone and Francophone nations.
At national level, each country has established inclusive platforms of governance with representation across whole of society. These platforms ensure linkages across different sectors, state and non-state actors including civil society, government, academia and the private sector for greater coordination and prioritization of investments.
LIFE-AR recognizes that it is only when the impacts of climate change on the most marginalized members of society are included and integrated into climate resilience and adaptation planning and investments that the most appropriate and long-term solutions can be found. Each LIFE-AR country is taking a context specific approach to ensure that gender considerations are integrated in the most appropriate ways in the design and implementation of their governance and delivery mechanisms. This approach will ensure inclusive decision-making and drive equitable adaptation outcomes for all including women, young people, people with disabilities, and other marginalised groups.
LIFE-AR compared to other initiatives
By applying these principles and approaches, LIFE-AR is:
- Implemented in a phased approach: LIFE-AR has three main phases to allow countries enough time to set up and adapt their institutional and financial arrangements prior to investing.
- Implemented in the long-term: LIFE-AR allows countries to move at their own pace depending on their specific contexts.
- Driven by communities: communities decide on the LIFE-AR adaptation investments.
- Driven by LDCs: the LDC Chair is the Chair of the LIFE-AR Board, and LDCs have majority representation.
- Inclusive: LIFE-AR relies on a whole of society approach, both in terms of sectors and institutional representation, as well as gender and social inclusion at national and local levels.
- Actively promoting long-term and sustainable change: LIFE-AR relies on strengthening existing structures and building institutional capacities.
- Actively promoting strengthening local capacities: communities and local governments’ capacities are enhanced to decide and manage 70% of LIFE-AR funds.
- Actively promoting local solutions and south-south learning: learning is a key component of LIFE-AR. Learning processes and systems are in place and peer-learning is encouraged to ensure new joiners benefit from good practices.